Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Playing Outside

It was an absolutely beautiful day today. Days like this are VERY few and far between here. As soon as the weather gets decent it seems the neighborhood wakes up after a long winter's nap. Seriously, it's as though the whole neighborhood was in a coma or something all winter long. I just sit at my window and stare at all the activity that goes on now that good weather days have hit. We won't mention  how much snow we got this winter because it brings tears to my eyes - but let's just say it was record breaking. Because of these cold and oh so snowy days I have come to LOVE and appreciate warm weather beautiful days. Today was one of those days. My kids got home from school and I sent them out to play and I heard them from the screen door playing and frolicking in our back yard. I smiled. Hearing them play put me in a good mood. However, going outside and joining in on their kickball game put me in an even better mood. Kickball is one of the least talked about funnest sports. There are not many other sports where you get to throw the ball at someone and  it be okay if it hits them. I loved playing kickball on recess in Elementary School. It is an awesome sport. There needs to be a petition to make it an Olympic Sport. Seriously. That would be awesome! Playing games outside is so much fun. Taking advantage of beautiful days by playing outside put me in a good mood and even as I write this I am still smiling as I think of the fun I had. Sun and play and fresh air make for a good mood. Try it. Live by it. You won't regret it. I love Sunny Days.


  1. TOTALLY AGREE! I remember springs in WS, it was like rediscovering your neighbors again! LOVE IT (and miss it tons)! Last night our HT's came over and we sat outside talking and watched Jerimiah play, it was SO NICE!

    LOVE nice days!!
