Monday, March 25, 2013

Race Shirt

Almost 2 years ago I ran a half marathon in New York City. It was an incredible experience. I enjoyed training for it and the actual race itself was just awesome. So now here I sit two years later as far away from doing a race like that as I ever thought I would or could be.  I haven't run more than two miles in like a year and a half, however I got an awesome "13.1" race shirt that I wear all the time and it reminds me of a time when I ran and loved running and gives me hope that maybe someday I will work up to that again. So today, wearing that shirt helped put me in a good mood because A. it brought back some sweet memories and B. it reminded me that I did something awesome not so long ago. So go find a race shirt or any type of shirt that attributes something cool and put it on for an instant good mood boost. (if needed, you can go purchase a shirt at a thrift shop -however I don't know if the same "I did something great" feelings will come along with it - but you might get a few strangers approval of your made up accomplishment when they read your shirt.) So go have a good mood day!

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